Sunday, January 23, 2005

I Quit. . .But I Forgot To Tell You

We sometimes feel like a voice in the wilderness when we speak with potential clients about the issue of presenteeism. Often we're told that everyone is "working hard" and that no one in their right mind would let us know if they were less than 110% engaged. Their belief is grounded in a few critical assumptions, specifically: (1) it's an employers' market, (2) the "dead wood" was all eliminated during waves of layoffs and (3) the folks that are left are grateful to have a job, and are working their behinds off.

Imagine our surprise, then, when we opened the advance program for the Society for Human Resource Management 2005 Annual Conference in San Diego, and spotted Terri Kabachnick's session entitled "I Quit...but Forgot to Tell You." Terri has described the presenteeism phenomenon as well as anyone we've seen. And, she's got some solid recommendations about what you can do about it.

Terri is a nationally recognized expert in retail sales, who has extended her practice into the whole realm of human performance. She focuses today on "perfecting the human side of business." For a great read, download her article (with the same name as the headline of this blog) and consider her advice regarding re-engagement of your people.

Thanks, Terri. We hope that you have a full house in San Diego!


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